Three Steps for Preparing Your Energy Efficient Furnace for Winter


If you’ve upgraded to an energy-efficient furnace, you know the next few months are when it’s going to pay off. These innovative HVAC systems can help cut back the amount of energy or gas used to heat your home compared to older and less efficient models. With winter creeping upon us here in Huffman, we’ve prepared some essential steps you can take to ensure your furnace will operate efficiently and effectively all season.

  1. Schedule a regular maintenance visit before winter weather arrives.

    The last thing you want is to turn on your furnace on the first cold day in Huffman only to realize it’s not operating properly. It’s important to have an HVAC technician inspect your system, as these individuals have been trained and certified to ensure your HVAC equipment is safe and working correctly. Keeping your equipment regularly maintained will not only help the product operate smoothly, but it will help increase the energy efficiency of your furnace, as well.

  2. Check your heat exchanger.

    Broken or improperly functioning heat exchangers mix combustion gases with your home’s air, which could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. This inspection is easy – just inspect your furnace’s combustion chamber for cracks. If you notice strange odors coming from the heater after a while, shut it off and call a professional. Your heat exchanger is an important factor in creating an energy efficient furnace. When it’s operating correctly, the equipment doesn’t have to work as hard or use as much energy to provide your family with the heat you desire.

  3. Change your air filter.

    If you haven’t changed your filter in a while, now’s the time. Clean filters may help improve your system’s airflow and could lead to better energy efficiency, as well. Pleated, HEPA and electrostatic filters can also help improve the furnace’s energy efficiency, so consider upgrading if you’re currently using a flat filter. We recommend checking your filter monthly to see whether it needs to be changed.

    Follow these steps to create a more energy-efficient home this winter. Or, if you need a repair, Air Houston Mechanical LLC offers a wide range of energy-efficient furnaces. We’re happy to walk you through the latest and greatest HVAC systems available in Huffman.

    The post Three Steps for Preparing Your Energy Efficient Furnace for Winter appeared first on Air Houston Mechanical LLC.
