Humidifiers: the Unexpected Comfort Provider


While it may be difficult to think about adding a humidifier to your Huffman home while it’s still officially summer, now may be the ideal time to do so to make sure you’re ready for drier air this fall and winter. Although humidity isn’t usually thought of when considering indoor air quality, it should be.

Humidity plays a big role in our comfort. After all, remember the last time Huffman had a day (or week…or month) of high humidity. That’s usually when you hear people saying, “It’s not the heat, it’s that darn humidity.” On the flip side of this, air that is too dry also comes with its problems, from dry skin to a scratchy throat.

Having low humidity in your home can also mean increased static electricity, dry lips and hair, a scratchy nose, and chapped lips to name a few. Dry air leads to an increased chance of your mucous membranes drying out, making it easier for you to get a cold or develop a respiratory illness.

Your home could also be affected by the lack of a humidifier as well, as woodwork and furniture can experience splitting, separation, or warping due to the lack of humidity. You might also notice peeling wallpaper or gaps in your baseboards and another molding.

Of course, there’s no reason you can’t keep an eye on the humidity levels in your home, making it that much more comfortable when you walk in the door. Plus, using a humidifier can help you save energy and possibly lower your air conditioner service costs.

Having humidity under control also means you can have the thermostat set a few degrees warmer or cooler based on the season because humid air feels more comfortable. Those few degrees can make an impact on your energy bill every month as well, potentially saving you money throughout the year.

Indoor air quality isn’t strictly limited to ventilation, air filtration, or air purification. Humidity plays a large role in our comfort, so why not make your air the most comfortable it can be? If you’re curious as to which indoor air quality product could be ideal for your home and budget, give the experts at Air Houston Mechanical LLC a call at (832) 501-3419.

The post Humidifiers: the Unexpected Comfort Provider appeared first on Air Houston Mechanical LLC.
