How to Find and Fix Hot and Cold Spots


If you realize that you have hot and cold spots throughout your Huffman home, you’re not alone. This is a relatively common problem. While it may seem like a larger problem, the good news is that the common causes of hot and cold spots are normally easy to fix with a straightforward air conditioning service. The most routine causes of hot and cold spots are:

  • Lack of zoning or improper zoning
  • Poorly designed or ineffectively sized duct systems
  • Leaky or poorly insulated air ducts
  • The wrong size of HVAC equipment

Lack of Zoning or Improper Zoning

A zoning system splits your home into separate areas, known as “zones,” and allows you to customize the air temperature in each zone. The system uses multiple thermostats that operate dampers in the ductwork of your forced-air system. The thermostats constantly read the temperature of their assigned zone, then open or close the dampers to match up with the thermostat’s settings. This may be the missing piece to keeping that one cold bedroom warm in the winter, or that heat chamber sunroom comfortable all summer. Plus, when you use it with a programmable thermostat, zoning can mean home energy savings of up to 35 percent. *

Poorly Designed or Ineffectively Sized Duct Systems

Some homeowners experience hot and cold spots simply because their home’s duct system isn’t sized correctly for the space that needs heated and cooled, or it’s improperly designed. We find this is fairly normal in homes that were built before much of today’s tools and training were available. Unfortunately, even the most energy-efficient HVAC equipment can’t meet homeowners’ expectations if the duct system isn’t letting it do its job. A poor duct system could cause new equipment to work more frequently than needed and decrease its life cycle. The pros at Air Houston Mechanical LLC can help you figure out if your duct work is working for your home.

Leaky or Inadequately Insulated Air Ducts

Even if your duct system is designed and sized properly for your home, it may still be at the root of your home’s hot and cold spots. It’s commonplace for the ducts in a home to leak some over time. Experts like Air Houston Mechanical LLC can inspect your ducts and let you know if they ought to be sealed. They may also find that your ducts aren’t leaking, but they’re not correctly insulated. Fortunately, this is also a fairly easy fix.

Improperly Sized HVAC Equipment

So possibly your air duct system is just fine, and you have a good zoning system, but you’re still noticing hot and cold spots through your home. Improperly sized HVAC equipment could be the cause. A system that is too small has to run harder to heat or cool your home, which leaves hot and cold spots because it can’t handle the amount of space it needs to condition. Even a system that’s too big can cause problems because it’ll cycle on and off too often to do its job correctly.

No matter what’s the cause of the hot and cold spots in your home, Air Houston Mechanical LLC can help. Just give us a call at (832) 501-3419 and we’ll help you pinpoint the problem and determine if you need air conditioning service or any other types of HVAC service that can help you keep your home comfortable.

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