Things You are Doing to Stay Warm That are Actually Making You Colder


When it gets chilly, we all attempt a lot of things to keep ourselves comfortable in Huffman. Unfortunately, some of these things are making us colder! Luckily, Air Houston Mechanical LLC is always here to check on your furnace maintenance—and that will keep you warm.
Check out some of the collective legends about what will help you warm up when the temperatures lower. These things are making you colder!

  • Drinking hot drinks will warm you up. Wrong. It may feel nice and warm to hold that warm mug, but once you drink a warm beverage, your body will work against you and switch on your natural cooling mechanisms.
  • Ok, but alcoholic beverages can make you warmer. Wrong again. While alcohol will warm up your skin, it can make you cooler because it can reduce your core temperature.
  • A long, hot shower or bath will do the trick. You’re only going to feel colder when you hop out of the hot water and the water begins to evaporate off your skin in the cold air.
  • You should always wear dark colors to absorb the sun’s heat and leave light colors for warmer days. While it’s valid that white or light clothing will reflect the sun’s rays, it may also reflect your body’s heat—basically blocking your body heat under your clothes.
  • Most body heat escapes through your head, so I’m good with my hat. The amount of heat that escapes from your head is equivalent to the area of exposed skin on your head about the rest of your body. So, protect as much skin as possible to evade heat loss.

So now you know what you could be doing incorrectly in trying to keep yourself toasty. What you can do that will help keep you warm is loyally arranging your routine annual furnace maintenance appointments with Air Houston Mechanical LLC in Huffman. Nothing keeps you warm better than a tweaked furnace. Call us today at (832) 501-3419 to keep warm this winter!

The post Things You are Doing to Stay Warm That are Actually Making You Colder appeared first on Air Houston Mechanical LLC.
