4 Methods to Increase Ventilation in Your House


New houses are more energy efficient than ever. While this is excellent for keeping your utility costs down, it’s not so good for bringing ample fresh air inside.

Recently built residences are firmly sealed, which indicates they don’t “breathe” as older residences can. Because of this, your residence may begin to smell stuffy, feel too humid, or experience trouble with condensation. If you have allergies or asthma sufferers in your family, they could report increasing problems.

Fortunately, it’s not difficult to improve the ventilation in your home in Huffman. The majority of the solutions that we’ll go over in a minute are uncomplicated and economical.

  1. Open Windows and Screened Doors
    This is the simplest way to get fresh air into your home during moderate temperatures. But it’s important to be aware this typically isn’t a year-round possibility and can lead to problems if you have a family member with seasonal allergies. If this applies to you, you don’t want to open windows during the early morning. That’s when the pollen counts are the highest, according to Mayo Clinic. You also don’t want to open them during dry, windy conditions, as the weather can aggravate allergies.
  2. Use Exhaust Fans in Your Kitchen and Bathrooms
    Running these fans draws out stale air, excess moisture, odors, and other indoor pollutants. They’re also economical to operate. An exhaust fan costs about $7-$15 annually in electricity if you were to run it 24/7, according to the Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE).

    If you want to do this, the CEE advises looking for an ENERGY STAR® ventilation fan that provides nearly noiseless, constant operation. These fans typically include a sensor that will trigger them to run automatically when there’s too much humidity, so you won’t have to think about turning it on or off.

    However, it’s crucial to note that an exhaust fan can negatively affect your home’s temperature since it’s getting rid of air that you’ve already heated or cooled.

  3. Keep Your Home’s Humidity Balanced
    The ideal humidity level for your home is between 30–50%, according to Mayo Clinic. While the ideal concentration of humidity won’t enhance ventilation, it can boost your home’s indoor air quality and keep your residence pleasant at a more energy-efficient temperature.

    If there isn’t enough humidity, you can suffer from dry skin, a scratchy throat, or itchy eyes. Dry air can also affect wood flooring and furnishings in your residence, causing them to crack. In contrast, humidity that’s too elevated can make the air seem stale or stuffy. It can also result in mold and mildew growth and aggravate allergies or asthma.

    The wisest way to keep humidity regulated is with a whole-home solution. We offer humidifiers and dehumidifiers that work with your furnace and air conditioning system. You won’t have to lug an inefficient portable system from room to room, spilling water as you go.

    It’s also crucial to realize the right humidity level can also make air comfier at an energy-efficient temp, helping you spend less on energy expenses.

  4. Install a Ventilation System
    Getting a mechanical ventilation system is one of the wisest methods to bring in added fresh air into your residence year-round. There are two different styles—heat recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy recovery ventilation (ERV). These systems continuously eliminate stuffy indoor air and replace it with fresh outdoor air.

    HRV is good for cold climates since it retains the heat from the indoor air it exhausts. ERV is excellent for warm climates because it removes warmth and moisture from your air. Some areas can benefit from both units, so ask our Air Houston Mechanical LLC ventilation professionals about what’s best for your Huffman house.

    If stuffy or persistent odors are a problem in your residence, you can also get a whole-house air purification system. These systems provide an extra level of filtration, which can also help with reducing pet dander, allergens, and bacteria in your house.

    Our ventilation professionals are here to help you find the ideal product for your home. Contact us at (832) 501-3419 now for a free, no-obligation home comfort assessment. We’ll visually inspect your existing equipment and find out about your needs in advance of delivering our suggestions on the ideal possibilities to enhance ventilation in your residence.

    The post 4 Methods to Increase Ventilation in Your House appeared first on Air Houston Mechanical LLC.
